The Brain HUD has been updated to version 2.138. What this version does is provide a 10 day free trial. You can purchase a free trial (see post below) which will give you 10 days to try out the HUD. After 10 days you will have to authorize your HUD at one of the 3 Brains R Us locations to restore full functionality to the HUD. Authorization costs 500 Lindens (approximately $1.81 in US currency) and is easy to perform. Simply pay the sign in the store 500 Lindens and click register HUD in the HUD menu. The Brain HUD will be fully functional once the registration is complete.
Many of you are familiar with free trials of software packages which require an unlock code to be purchased. This works in a similar manner with the exception that there is no unlock code needed. I believe this is the first time this capability has been made available in Second Life and we will look into the possibility of licensing this technology to other developers.
RSS feeds are also enabled now. You can add your own RSS feeds and toggle them off and on via menu. When you receive a RSS message the title and a link will be posted in local chat. It will also appear at the lower right of your Brain HUD as floating text above a silver ball. Just click the silver ball and it becomes bubble text. The bubble text floats upwards inworld and any one can click the bubble to get the link to the RSS article.